Monday, July 12, 2010

Music Monday

One of the coolest things about being in a new place is the chance to experience the little differences in its pop culture. The tabloids here are pretty prolific, and seem to be even more sensational than US tabloids. In TV, movies, and plays, the sense of humor is more likely to be sarcastic and/or slapstick than US entertainment is. For the most part, top 40 musical artists are the same ones that are popular in the US... Usher, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Ke$ha, Rihanna, and Timbaland are all big news over here. But Brits also love a type of sugary, boy band-sounding pop that we Americans have moved on from. Here is a particularly sticky example...

And this one is actually kind of good, helped only by the brassy band...


1 comment:

  1. Haha, Innes showed me "This Aint A Love Song" this weekend. She likes it.

    If you want to be cool, according to Julie the next great British pop star will be:
